Anthony Mbroh & Julie Hunt Moderate Texas AWWA Women in Water Event
Texas American Water Works Association (TAWWA) had a large turnout for the Women in Water event on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, co-moderated by Anthony Mbroh and Julie Hunt, Principal at Hunt Strategies LLC.
Hosted by TAWWA’s North Central Texas chapter in Euless, TX, the event featured important discussions about diversity and inclusion led by L’Oreal Stepney, member of the Texas Water Development Board. Tony and Julie moderated questions from a large audience asking Stepney about her most impactful experiences, tips on leading diverse organizations and establishing a foundation for their brand’s lasting success.
Stepney led a panel discussion focusing on her leadership and engineering best practices that best benefit a diverse audience, stemming from her career as an engineering leader in the water industry. James “Brooks” Schultz, Mbroh COO, said the event was “enlightening, informative and helpful,” made valuable by learning of Stepney’s hard-won experiences.