On-Demand Engineering Services for Strategic Asset & Performance Management (SAPM)

Client: Oklahoma Department of Transportation

Location: Oklahoma

Cost: Varies

Service Category: Transportation

As service providers for ODOT’s SAPM engineering services, Mbroh is providing services that include: engineering studies, multimodal/intermodal improvement associated analysis, documents, reports and grant writing services statewide. This contract involves providing services under Bipartisan infrastructure Law, including assistance with grants that range from bridge projects, transit and other areas. These grant applications are typically on a compressed schedule and require plenty of coordination and effort among team members. Mbroh was selected for a two-year contract through 2024. Associated projects include:  

  • ODOT Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant application for SH-100 over the Arkansas River 
  • ODOT FY 2023 Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant application for CED #1 – County Road (NS365) Over Deep Fork River, Creek County 
  • ODOT FY 2023 Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant application for CED #1 – County Road (EW530) Over 2 unnamed creeks (BR85) and (89), Mayes County 
  • ODOT FY 2023 Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant application for CED #3 – Pushmataha Little River Bridge, Pushmataha County 
  • ODOT FY 2023 Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant application for CED #3 – LeFlore Poteau River Bridge, LeFlore County