Stewart Creek West WWTP Expansion to 10 MGD
This project expanded the treatment capacity of the Stewart Creek West WWTP from the current 5 MGD average daily flow to 10 MGD average daily flow with a peak two-hour flow of 35 MGD. The construction elements included an influent pump station, headworks building with installation of screens, primary clarifier, pump station, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers RAS/WAS pump station, UV disinfection system, and parshall flume plant effluent flow meter.
Mbroh provided on-site SCADA resident inspection services to support the construction associated with the improvements. Mbroh’s duties consisted of visual Inspections and witnessing of construction activities including participating in the SCADA factory acceptance testing and reviewing as-built drawing sets weekly to make sure RFI and change orders were implemented on as-built drawings.
Doubled plant capacity with two-hour peak flow of 35 MGD
On-site SCADA inspection during construction