Bois d’Arc – Leonard Water Treatment Plant High Service Pump Station

Client: North Texas Municipal Water District

Location: Leonard, Texas

Cost: $100-250M

Service Category: Construction Management & Inspection

Six massive pumps are designed to move up to 70 MG of treated water per day from the Leonard Treated Water Pump Station. This treated water will travel through 25 miles of new pipe before distribution to cities via NTMWD’s existing system. Future additions are also planned to increase this amount to a maximum of around 280 MGD.

Mbroh is providing on-site resident representative services during construction of the high service pump station. The team’s role is to provide resident inspector services for all electrical and SCADA components associated with the pump station. The tasks include preparing daily construction reports with documentation of on-site observations and tracking corrections of defective work using the District’s standard forms. The team is also reviewing quality related documents provided by the Contractor such as test reports, equipment installation reports and required construction contract documents.

In addition, Mbroh’s inspectors will assist with project completion activities and observe completed construction conditions for general conformance with the design concept, followed by preparation of a deficiencies list for contractor correction prior to final payment.

The Bois d’Arc Lake Water Supply Program, a monumental effort between dozens of firms across Texas, has received numerous industry accolades.