South Mesquite Creek RWWTP Filter and Ultraviolet Disinfection Improvements

Client: North Texas Municipal Water District

Location: Mesquite, Texas

Cost: $10-$20M

Service Category: Construction Management & Inspection

Green Box Callout: Construction for ultraviolet (UV) disinfection structure, pad-mounted transformers, and connection of the existing disk filter units to the plant supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system

This project replaced the existing chlorine gas disinfection process with UV light disinfection technology. The new UV disinfection equipment was intended to be installed inside existing chlorine contact basin No. 1. Structural analysis suggested that continued use of the basin was not recommended, therefore, a new structure was designed for the UV disinfection equipment. The new electrical building was planned to be powered by an existing unit substation. Upon development of the design electrical loads it was determined that the unit substation would not provide reliable electrical power to all the connected equipment. Therefore, two new pad-mounted transformers was added to power the electrical building.

Mbroh provided on-site resident representative services during the project’s construction phase. The team prepared daily construction reports and tracked corrections of defective work.